University of Virginia Library

VCHR Plans
Fund Drive

Because the John Mayall concert did
not make enough profit, the Virginia
Council on Human Relations has announced
plans for a drive to raise funds
for the Spring Recruitment Program of
the Admissions Office.

The University has agreed to contribute
$1000 to the program, which will
bring black high school students to
Charlottesville to visit the University.
Students are expected to raise the
remaining necessary funds.

The Human Relations Council
launched its campaign with the gift of a
check for $300 to Dean of Admissions
Ernest Ern. Letters to faculty should go out
this week. After spring break, the drive will be
publicized over WUVA and through posters;
through canvassing; and if it can be worked out,
through special appeals in black history and
literature classes.

The Spring Recruitment Program was
originally planned to help pay for buses of
black juniors and sophomores from thirteen
schools in the Tidewater, Virginia Beach,
Washington and Richmond areas. Forty students
from each school would take part in

However, all the schools which were planned
to be in the program may not be able to
participate, because of the lack of funds. The
John Mayall concert was counted upon to raise
a substantial part, but at present it is unclear
whether the concert will break even or whether
it will make a small profit. At any rate, money
from other sources will be necessary if even a
few buses are to be arranged.

This past fall, John Thomas, George Taylor,
and Virginia Johnson visited high schools
attended by blacks to let them know that the
University seeks more black students. This has
led to a marked increase in black applications:
according to Dean Ern, approximately 170 this
year compared to 54 last year.

A group of interested students composed of
John Thomas, George Taylor, Ron Cass, Jim
Roebuck, and Tom Collier, got together with
Dean Ern and Miss Johnson to form a
committee to do further work.


Tom Collier Presents Check To Dean Ern

Money Will Be Used For The Recruitment Of Black High School Students