University of Virginia Library

Nurses Air Complaints
In McKim 'Gripe Session'

All is not well in the School of

This fact came out in a meeting
Monday night in McKim Auditorium
when the Nursing School students met
with Jim Roebuck and Kevin Mannix,
President and Vice President of the
Student Council. The two officers
discovered at that meeting that the
prospective nurses have a number of

Foremost among the various problems
aired at the meeting is the fact that
fourth-year nursing students are required to
have cars. That in itself is not a problem, the
girls explained, but the fact that there exist no
parking facilities set aside for the nurses is what
creates the difficulties.

The nurses need cars for required field trips
around the country and they feel that some
arrangement should be made to provide parking
spaces for the cars when not in use.

While the gentlemen were providing an open
car, the nurses followed the first complaint
with a second which also involves field trips.

Apparently, the girls are required to travel to
areas like Staunton in the line of their academic
duties but all expenses accruing from these trips
must be borne by the students themselves. This
added expense is at best bothersome to the
students and they would like to see the issue

Finally, many of the students expressed a
desire to live in co-ed dormitories.
Unfortunately, they explained, no provisions
have been made for them to be allowed to
move out of all-female McKim, for only
undergraduate women are included in present
plans for mixed housing.

Mr. Mannix said yesterday that the Council
hopes to be able to form a committee which
would investigate the complaints of the Nursing
students. The Council would then forward
recommendations to the administration of the

After the gripe session, the students also
arranged the elections of officers of the Nursing
School. Speeches by the candidates for the
various offices will be given March 16 with the
balloting held March 18.

The candidates for President are: Pat
Cloonan, Susan Fox and Linda Hickerson while
Ann Bly, Michelle Fitzgerald, and Sherry Grigg
are vying for Vice-President.

Those running for Secretary are Posey
Emerick, Lynne Melancon, and Joan Williams
with Debbie Hudson and Edie Raine the
opponents for Treasurer.

Rebecca Buckland, Mary Lou Gilman and
Cindy Worrell are running for Key Committee
and the House Committee candidates are Mary
Ann Diel, Betty Robertson, and Linda Roeder.