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Petitions For College Posts Due March 9
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Petitions For
College Posts
Due March 9

Procedure for filing for College elections
was announced yesterday by Student
Council Vice-President Kevin Mannix.
The requirements are as follows:

Any student wishing to run for one of
the top three College offices (President,
Vice-President and Secretary) must file a
support petition bearing the signatures of
25 College students by 5 p.m. Monday, March
9. The petition should be turned in to the
Student Government Office, Fourth Floor,
Newcomb Hall.

Candidates must have two semesters in
prospect in the College and must be in good
academic standing.

The President of the College serves as
Chairman of the Honor Committee. The
Vice-President and Secretary also serve on the
Committee, the latter serving as chairman of
the Bad Check Committee.

The elections will be held on March 17 and
18, with the polls open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The ballots will include a proposed amendment
to the College Council Constitution.

Honor Committee Chairman Whitt Clement
has announced the appointment of "blue
ribbon committee" which will oversee the
elections in order to insure fairness.

The committee will consist of the vice presidents
of the Judiciary Committee, Student
Council and the Honor Committee as well as
the presidents of Omicron Delta Kappa and the
Raven Society.