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Caucuses Choose Morris, Murphy

Bowman, Kirsch Nominated
For Vice-President Position


By Mike Leech
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Pledging to be "open and willing to
change within the Honor System,"
Michael Murphy was nominated for
College President by the Virginia Progressive
Party last night. He defeated his
opponent, Ralph Goldberg, by a vote of
38 to 10.

Some of the changes mentioned by
Mr. Murphy were a revision of the
penalty system to include semester
suspension, an appeal system and less
secrecy in the operations of the Honor

In reference to the role of the
President in student affairs, Mr. Murphy
said: "I would want to be a person in
touch with the students, not simply the
ideas being thrown around."

"I propose that the President select a sort of
cabinet to assist with the overburdening
administrative work that the President has to
deal with." This, he said, would allow the
President to establish a personal level of
communication with the students. At the same
time, he suggested that the Honor Committee,
and the President of the College in particular,
take an active role in the institution of changes
in the Honor System.

Mr. Murphy proposed that a case book of
sorts be compiled to clear up questions from
first-year students about the Honor System. He
acknowledged that the coming of coeducation
and the increasing size of the University will
create further problems for the Honor System.

Jeff Kirsch and Bob Niles were unanimously
nominated for the offices of Vice President and
Secretary of the College respectively.


By Mark Pirrung
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Uncontested in his campaign for
selection as the Jefferson Party candidate
for President of the College, Dave Morris
accepted nomination at his party's caucus
last night. Nominated to run with him
were Dave Bowman for Vice President
and Lee Garrett for Secretary.

The caucus also was held to elect new
officers for the coming year of party
activities. Quinn Spitzer became the new
President without opposition. For the
position of Vice President Thom Faulders
was chosen along with Steve Edwards
who will be the new Secretary and Pat
Whitlow, the new Treasurer of the party.

Mr. Morris offered a strong position
speech to the 100 gathered members of
his party in which he stressed that the Honor
Committee which he will chair if elected must
be the "cornerstone" of the "mutual trust"
among the student body.

Mr. Morris indicated that the Honor System
has been suffering throes of insecurity now
more than ever before. The Jefferson Party
nominee said that the committee would initiate
stronger programs to orientate students to the
Honor System as "ignorance breeds indifference."


Dave Morris

Jefferson Party Candidate


Mike Murphy

Grabs VPP Nomination

The candidate for Vice President, Mr.
Bowman also voiced his position before the
caucus, in which he speculated on the new
issues that University women will present to the
Honor System. How will the committee
interpret a feminine "white lie"? Both the
Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates
expressed concern over continual orientation to
the ways of the Honor System and the need for
a consensus on public honor at the University.

The only nomination that was contested at
the caucus last night was that of Secretary of
the College and Chairman of the Bad Check
Committee. Lee Garrett defeated Arnold
Goldin by one vote. Mr. Garrett's bid for
election indicated the strong concern for the
future of the Honor System and the need to
strengthen the student's sense of honor. Mr.
Garrett pointed out the lack of cooperation
that the Bad Check Committee has felt in the
Charlottesville community, and offered programs
to rectify this.

The caucus was very brief and a vote was
taken only once. All officers for the coming
year were chosen without opposition in the
first five minutes of the meeting.