University of Virginia Library

Graduates Vote
On Constitution

By Alan Featherstone
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Yippies Briefly Interrupt Last Night's Student Council Meeting

They Were Soon Chased Out Amid Cries Of 'We Beat Them!'

A new constitution for the Graduate
School of Arts and Sciences has been
proposed and will be subject to ratification
by the graduate student body in
fine December elections.

According to Bill Crawley, President
of the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, the governmental structure of
the Graduate School has been "nebulous at
best." He cites last spring's elections as proof of

The new constitution will provide a more
cohesive framework to provide for more
effective promotion of Graduate School affairs.
It also anticipates the establishment of a
University Senate and is designed to allow for
the effective operation of a Graduate Student
Government under the proposed Senate system.

Under the proposed Constitution the Graduate
School would have three executive officers
elected by the entire graduate student body:
President, Chairman of the Graduate School
Council and Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

In addition, the whole graduate student
body would elect the alloted number of
representatives for Student Council and Judiciary

The most significant innovation under the
proposed constitution is the establishment of a
Graduate School Council to be composed of
elected graduate representatives from each
department, to be presided over by the
Chairman of the Graduate School Council
(Vice-President of the Graduate School) who is
to be elected by the whole graduate body. The
Graduate School Council is to be entrusted
with the promotion and regulation of all
student activities and organizations of the
Graduate School.

The Council, furthermore, will provide a
means of communication between graduate
students of all departments and the graduate
Student Council representatives, who are to be
ex officio members of the Council. The Council
will provide a framework through which the
departments may consolidate for discussion and
consideration of matters of common concern to
all graduate students. At present there is no
such channel for school-wide communication.

In addition, the new Constitution will
provide for the establishment of an Arts and
Sciences Council, under the joint chairmanship
of the chairmen of the College Council and the
Graduate School Council, which will facilitate
the consideration of matters of mutual concern
to graduate and undergraduate students.

The proposed Constitution was drafted by
Graduate School President Bill Crawley, Vice-President
Carter Morris, Student Council
President Bud Ogle, Graduate Student Councilman
James Roebuck, and Judiciary Representative
Garry Hodgins.

Copies of the proposed Constitution are
being made available to the various departments
and will be available for examination at the
polls on election day. Additional copies may be
obtained from the Student Government Office,
Fourth Floor, Newcomb Hall.