University of Virginia Library

29 Seek Seats
In Council

Twenty-nine students have signed up
to run for positions on the Student
Council in an election to be held on
December 9 and 10. In the same election
students at the University will determine
which of twelve candidates will represent
them on the Judiciary Committee.

Running for three openings on the
Judiciary for the College are Ted Foote,
Zeb Inge, and Pete Ricciardelli of the
Jefferson Party, and Steve Baskin, Jim
Basl, and Bob White of the Virginia Progressive

Students in the College will also vote to
determine who will be elected to four Student
Council positions. Henry Bowden, Tom Brown,
Bill Hurd, and Quinn Spitzer are the candidates
from the Jefferson Party. Ken Lewis, Kevin
Mannix, Tony Sherman, and Buzzy Waitzkin
are running for the Virginia Progressive Party.
Representing the Liquifactionist Party are Mike
Capobianco and Donald Trease. Clyde Ellis and
Camby Robinson are candidates of the new
Yippe Party. Eric Royce and Bruce Tyler are
running as independents.

Tom Guidoboni, Miss Elizabeth Medaglia,
Mrs. Arden Schell, and Denis Soden are running
for the Student Council post from the School
of Law. Vying for the Judiciary Committee
position from the Law School are Rick Boucher
and Tom Boyd.

The School of Architecture will choose who
will represent it on the Judiciary and Student
Council. Paul Clarke and John Cole have signed
up to run for the Judiciary Committee. Philip
Lever, Jim Morris, and Mike Smith are running
for the Student Council.

Candidates from the School of Engineering
for the Judiciary post are David Houseman, a
Trigon- candidate, and Joe Laughon, representing
Theta Tau. Four candidates are running
from the Engineering School for the school's
Student Council post. They are Barry Edwards
(Theta Tau), Bill Fox (Trigon), Bill Keene
(Yippie), and Harry Steeper (Independent).

Students of the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences will elect either Tom Biggar, Pedro
Saavedra, or Judy Wellman to a post on the
Student Council. No one signed up to run for
the Judiciary position. The student receiving
the most write-in votes will therefore be the

On the same day, students of the University
will vote on the referendum to ratify the
Student Council Constitution. Members of the
College of Arts and Sciences and members of
the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences will
also vote on the ratification of their own
respective constitutions. A two-thirds majority
is needed to ratify these new constitutions.

Petitions of candidates from the Medical
School are due this morning. One candidate
from this school will be elected to the Student
Council and another to the Judiciary Committee.