University of Virginia Library

Facility Use
Insured Fair

The University Committee on Calendar
and Scheduling, to insure the fairness
of the scheduling of University facilities
for extra-curricular activities, has reformed
the procedures for the reserving
of University space.

In explaining the rationale for such
reforms, the committee said that "reservations
are recommended in order to
assure sponsors that they have the
authority and protection of the University
in holding their events in defined
spaces at times reserved specifically for
them, under their own rules within
University regulations."

The University Committee on Calendar and
Scheduling, to insure the fairness of the
scheduling of University facilities for extracurricular
activities, has reformed the procedures
for the reserving of University space.

First Step

The first step of this procedure is for a
student to see the Facilities Coordinator in the
Registrar's Office. The Facilities Coordinator
will record the request and will advise the
organization of any potential conflicts.

If no conflicts occurred, the reservation
would only have to be confirmed at a later date
with the Registrar. Conflicts not only occur
between groups or individual students requesting
the same place and same time, but can also
occur when organizations do not adhere to
certain University rules.

The first of these rules concerns the
University's Equal Opportunity Program. In
accordance with this program, Paul Saunier,
Director of University Relations, has stated that
"the Registrar will not approve use of space by
organizations which do not certify that in their
membership policies they do not discriminate
on grounds of race, color, religion, or national

The University Committee on Calendar and
Scheduling has also stated that "although
attendance at an event can be limited, such as
'members only,' or 'faculty and students only'
it cannot be limited specifically by race, color,
religion, national origin or sex; and that the
event can not have a primarily religious
objective nor can it be a meeting of a religious
group or society."

Many of the University buildings are not
under the sole control of the Facilities
Coordinator. Requests for the reserving of these
buildings are needed not only from the
Facilities Coordinator but also from the person
directly in charge of that facility.

Dual Control

Among the 47 University buildings under
dual control are Alderman Library, Old and
New Cabell Halls, the New Chemistry Building,
Gilmer Hall, Memorial Gymnasium, The
Rotunda, and University Hall.

The committee has also stated that the
reserving of University facilities will be on a
first-come, first-served basis, but that "in cases
of major schedule or space conflicts of
potential hurt to a University group, the Public
Events Advisory Committee will consult with
those concerned before the Registrar takes final
action on the applicable reservation requests."

The committee also stated that "if the space
requested for reservation is for a routine
departmental, faculty, or student meeting in
space normally used and is not in conflict with
other requests, assignment and confirmation are