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Student Council
Refuses To Limit
Free Assembly

By Corbin Eissler
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

"No Student Council or University
regulations shall limit the right
of freedom of assembly" said a
motion presented by Bud Ogle in a
Student Council Meeting held Tuesday
night. The motion continued
"any student disrupting academic
life at the University as part of a
demonstration. . may be liable to a
judiciary hearing."

The motion passed, as Tom
Slater noted that "demonstration
rules was a messy field for council
to be involved in."

In addition a letter from President
Shannon was presented in
answer to the Council's letter of
April 25, which presented proposals
for the improvement of the University.

Continuing Study

Mr. Shannon stated that he had
the recommendations under Continuing
study, and specifically mentioned
that the new Committee on
Educational and Employment Opportunities,
Obligations, and Rights
would meet May 7.

The Council responded to this
letter with a letter of thanks and an
invitation to Mr. Shannon to attend
the Council meeting of May 13.

Mr. Ogle also noted that he had
received a letter from Dean Bowers
about student representatives at
faculty meetings, requesting the
Council's opinion. Mr. Ogle suggested
that a formal motion on this
question be made at the next
meeting and be presented to Mr.
Bowers for consideration in the
May faculty meeting.


Walker Chandler then moved
"that we request the three ROTC
units and all armed forces recruiters
here at the University to move their
activities off the Grounds at least
until the Selective Service System is
abolished." Mr. Chandler added
that he felt that it was Council's
responsibility to the students to
fight the draft in any way possible.

After much debate, Mr. Mannix
presented a substitute motion "that
an ROTC Study Committee be
formed to report to Council next
fall with recommendations for
improvements, if any, in the program."
This motion passed, which
automatically canceled Mr. Chandler's.

Student Appointments

Mr. Ogle also moved "that
Student Council request President
Shannon to change his policy on
the appointment of students to
administrative committees." This
motion failed 9 to 11.

Jackson Lears then proposed
that "Council recommend that the
Faculty of the College of Arts and
Sciences make provisions for at
least two student members on its
committees on Faculty Rules and
Special Programs." The motion
passed unanimously, and Gene
Angle added that he felt student
representation was also important
on the Promotions Committee.

Organizations' Funds

It was also reported that the
committee on Organizations and
Publications has prepared its tentative
allocations, and the Council
will hear any appeals next week.

In line with this three organizations
applied for recognition. They
were: United Students for Action
(USA); the Virginia Progressive
Party; and Charlottesville-Albemarle
Citizens versus ABM.

A motion made by Mr. Mannix
was passed that stated "An absence
ballot may be filed for Student
Council elections by students who
will be away from the University on
educational or official business
during an election. This ballot must
be filed by 5 p.m. the day before
the election at the Student Council
office with a written statement of
the reasons for its filing."