University of Virginia Library

24 House Presidents
Agree To Continue
Door Guard Service

By Tom Jenks
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

In light of the events which
occurred in the fraternity area over
Easters Weekend and that now
being investigated by the Inter-fraternity
Council, the presidents of
the fraternities voted to continue
some sort of uniform security
system for party weekends.

The following motion was passed
by a 24 to 2 vote: "Whereas an
organized, co-ordinated, and efficient
security service is necessary
for fraternity parties, we, the
presidents of the fraternity houses,
resolve that the IFC continue
employment with Link Security."

The resolution was passed with
the following stipulations:

(1) That another satisfactory
security service is not found.

(2) That Link Security will sign
a penalty clause in a contract for
failure to dispense their assigned

(3) That the fees for Link
Security will not exceed $40 for
two fraternity parties.

(4) That the possibility of
employing security men to patrol
on Thursday and Sunday be investigated.

(5)That Link provide uniformed
personnel for houses, and that it be
the same person for a house
weekend after weekend.

Not Flawless

Bob Fisher, president of the
IFC, commented on the resolution
by saying, "The fraternity president
passed their resolution by the
overwhelming majority of 24 for
and 2 opposed, not because they
felt that the Link system as
experienced this weekend was by
any stretch of the imagination

"It was passed, because the
presidents decided that some system
of overall security was necessary,
possibly prompted by the
events of this weekend, for the
good of the fraternities.

"This is a very responsible move
on the part of the fraternity
presidents and a sign of selflessness
by those fraternities whose doormen
were particularly efficient,"
Mr. Fisher continued.

Other Companies

"The Governing Board is presently
investigating other security
companies like. Link, which might
offer similar services to fraternities
with increased efficiency and decreased
cost," Mr. Fisher said.

Mr. Fisher has been in contact
with Link Security about the
conditions of a contract; however,
no agreement has definitely been
reached. He has also been in touch
with several other security companies.

At the request of several fraternities,
the Governing Board has
instituted a system of arbitration
on an unofficial basis in order to air
and attempt to settle grievances
between houses.

In this system the president of
the IFC, upon the request of parties
involved, will select several individuals
(possibly from the Governing
Board or the Presidents Council) to
act as arbitrators in the dispute.

These individuals are to be
agreed on by the parties involved
and will act in an unofficial
capacity to view the grievances and
to co-ordinate discussion.

Render Service

"Such individuals may be able
to render a service to fraternities
that the Governing Board might not
be able to render in particular
situations." Mr. Fisher said.

Mr. Fisher stressed that such
services will not substitute for
Governing Board action when an
offense has occurred. "The point is
rather to head off offenses before
they occur," he said.