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Fisher, Friedman Take Over IFC

Fraternity Council Passes
Resolution Lauding Hayes
For Dynamic Contributions

By Thom Faulders
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Outlining four basic realms for
action, Bob Fisher took over for Ed
Hayes as president of the
Inter-Fraternity Council by
acclamation at last night's meeting.

The IFC also passed the following
resolution unanimously:

Whereas Edward Walter Hayes
has served the Inter-Fraternity
Council of the University of Virginia
faithfully as representative,
committee chairman, member of
the Governing Board, delegate to
the Committee on Fraternities, and

Whereas the Inter-Frat

Mr. Fisher will be assisted in the
coming year by Arthur Friedman as
vice-president, who also won by
acclamation, Ben Dailey, who was
elected secretary by defeating Bill
Nixon, and Byron Shankman, who
was reelected as treasurer by acclamation.

The work done by Mr. Hrnity
Council, under his leadership, has
assumed a new role of relevance
and involvement in the University
and greater communities; ayes
this year was not forgotten as Mr.
Fisher's first official act was to
extend to Mr. Hayes and to George
Shipley, the former vice-president
of the IFC, "a sincere thanks and
congratulations from the IFC and
the Governing Board for the outstanding
accomplishments which
they have made."

Whereas the Inter-Fraternity
Council, during his tenure as President,
has displayed an unprecedented
progressive and forward-looking
attitude toward the moral
crises of our times;

Whereas the Inter-Fraternity
Council, during his tenure as President,
has taken on an aura of
strength, dignity, and responsibility
heretofore missing from it;

Whereas he has lent to the office
of President of the Inter-Fraternity
Council a quality of dynamism and
vitality so appropriate to it, but so
long lacking in it;

Whereas his example, both as a
fraternity member and as President
of the Inter-Fraternity Council, is
one worthy of admiration and
adulation by all fraternity men;

Be it therefore resolved that the
Inter-Fraternity Council of the
University of Virginia hereby express
to him its deepest appreciation
and gratitude for his dedication
and contribution, and,
more so for the honor of serving
with him and the pleasure of
knowing him.

The four basic realms of action
for the IFC outlined by Mr. Fisher
in his acceptance speech include: 1)
the development of a more personal
relationship with the fraternities; 2)
the acting on the part of the fraternities
in a more responsible manner
concerning finances; 3) the quick
and decisive acting to determine
what plans the University has for
the future of fraternities; and 4) the
aiding of fraternities in setting up
effective Alumni programs.

Mr. Friedman, in his address to
the fraternity body, noted the need
for increased organization and recruitment
for the various committees
of the IFC. He pledged that if
there was anybody who wished to
be on a committee, he would see
that that person would get on a

In business of the meeting, Mr.
Hayes requested the return of the
forms concerning the group
insurance plan for fraternity employees.
A preliminary investigation
has revealed that the present wage
scale for these employees is considerably
higher than the minimum
wages, according to Mr. Hayes, but
he added that this was still not
what he would like the wages to be.


Photo By Bob Gill

Fisher Sits Before Cabinet Of Friedman, Shankman, Dailey

New IFC President Pledges Four Realms Of Action In Position