University of Virginia Library

CD Really Does It:
A Monday Issue!

With a little luck, The Cavalier Daily will become about 15 per
cent closer to being what it calls itself (a "daily" newspaper)
beginning next Monday. For some time we have been dissatisfied with
the fact that we were The Cavalier "Daily" when we only published
one more day a week than we didn't - in fact, there has been talk of
adding the obtrusively missing Monday edition for several years.

Previous staffs, however, have been reluctant to try it for a variety
of reasons, foremost of which was the fact that it would further
overwork an already too-overworked staff; cries of "other schools do
it," were answered with the argument that they have journalism schools
which require and give credit for work on the newspaper.

This year, however, we are convinced that the fifth issue is quite
feasible, although it will resemble the other four for the most part in
appearance only. It will rather be what might best be described as an
expanded features-editorial page; it will carry the football story and
coverage of any other significant events of the preceding weekend,
but the rest of it will be devoted to that sort of writing which now
appears on page 2.

It will include editorial comment by the editors as well as by
outside contributors, regular opinion columns, human interest stories,
poetry, creative prose, cartoons, fancy photography and art, and
nearly anything else one can imagine. As far as we are concerned, it is
"wide open" in scope and content, within the bounds of reason
and/or good taste, of course.

If indeed this edition is to be good and the long-suffering staff not
overworked, however, we must have many contributions from
non-staff members. Our page 2 is already well overcrowded, which
indicates that there is "plenty more where that came from," but we
will definitely need even more copy than we have now. We welcome
the opportunity to provide this outlet for those who, perhaps, have
not had one before, and we eagerly anticipate their efforts. We further
welcome the opportunity to introduce these efforts to the rest of the
University. Again, however, we are relying heavily on them if the
paper is to succeed.

The Monday edition will be a four-page paper. It will have regular
ads, but no classified ads. It will have University Notices, but
hopefully only those which need to go in on Monday. It will be
distributed as the other four editions are, but subscription rates will
have to be raised for those off-the-Groundsers who want to receive it
(they will be $5 per semester and $9 per year; subscribers will be
advised of this by mail). It will be put together on Friday and Sunday
afternoons, so hopefully most of the work can be done in advance. It
will go to press at 5 p.m. on Sunday.

This is a significant undertaking for The Cavalier Daily, one which
will take a lot of work. As usual, we invite anyone who is interested in
working on the paper to come up to our Newcomb Hall offices and
help out. Anyone interested in doing so or in contributing to it should
contact Chuck Hite, Monday Edition Editor, at 293-4146.