University of Virginia Library

Students Begin Fall Term Today

Computerized Process
Cuts Registration Time


Students Read While Waiting To Enter Memorial Gym

Officials, Students Hail Registration As Most Efficient Ever

After the most efficient and
speedy registration in recent
history, classes begin today for the
more than 4000 Undergraduate
students in the University.

According to Assistant Registrar
William Guillford, more than 1050
students were successfully enrolled
in the University on Tuesday

On Wednesday afternoon
approximately 3400 returning
undergraduates were registered.
They preregistered, as in the past,
last Spring.

By Thursday afternoon the
registration of all undergraduates
was completed, as well as that of
non-preregistered undergraduates,
professional school students, and
other graduate students.

Mr. Guillfrod spoke of the
"excellent support from all
departments and students" as a
primary factor in the success of

Minor Problems

He went on, "Registration has
moved along quite well in spite of a
few minor problems which are
being overcome."

These difficulties included the
fact that some students were unable
to get into courses that had filled
up. The Assistant Registrar said
that "students may be able to add
these 'closed' courses through the
add-drop process."

This entails meeting with
advisers on Friday and going
through the add-drop process on

Student Assistants

Those who underwent the
registration process were likely
aware of the presence of many
students assisting in Registration.
These assistants, many of whom are
second year students in the College,
were generally quite pleased with
the way in which Registration was
handled and with the outcome.

Their comments were typified by
those of several aides interviewed:

"Registration went
exceptionally well", according to
David Honaker, who held down a
post on the second floor of the

He added, "The first-year men
did an unusually good job."


Tony Sherman, another
Registration aide described the
process as a "most successful
venture." This, he added, was "due
to the fact that the first-year men
were preregistered.

According to another assistant
at the gym entrance, the only real
problem in evidence was a back-up
in the line of those waiting to
receive their student identification
cards. This delay was reportedly
due to the breakdown of one of the
plastic laminating machines.

ID Cards

The identification cards for
upperclassmen were the same ones
used last year. A 1968-1969 sticker
was added to validate the cards for
this session. First-year men had
their pictures taken and were issued
new ID cards and stickers.

Running in fifteen minute
shifts, students paid the Bursar if
payment had not been made
previously. They passed various
stations and dropped computer
cards along the way.

Upon exiting the gym, they
found themselves confronted by
representatives of numerous
organizations seeking money and/or

The Corks and Curls gave free
soft drinks to those who chose to
subscribe to that publication at that
time. Representatives of the Young
Republicans solicited support and
apparently received a widespread

Representatives of several
national publications also solicited

For most students, relief was
apparently the predominant
reaction upon successfully
completing the rigorous task of


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