University of Virginia Library

Shannon Scores Demonstrators

As a result of a meeting with student leaders, President
Shannon has issued the statement printed below:

Recent disorderly demonstrations have disrupted the academic
work of many universities and college, resulting in hardships
to both students and faculty. For example, many graduate
and professional students at Columbia University may be prevented
from completing their theses and other requirements to
qualify for the degree upon which next year's job may depend.
This is what happens when libraries and laboratories are closed
during a critical period of the year and comprehensive and
oral examinations have to be cancelled. These are some of the
tragedies that tend to go unnoticed.

At the University of Virginia the rights of minorities, majorities,
and individuals are equally respected. This includes the
right to dramatize opinions and buttress arguments by public
display — so long as the participants do not interfere with the
rights of others. Picketing and other demonstrations have been
regulated here for some years under requirements adopted and
enforced by Student Council.

In view of the tragic and wasteful excesses elsewhere, I invite
attention to the rules and regulations of the Student Council
and the Board of Visitors governing conduct.

On Demonstrations

Demonstrations and picketing by student groups are under
the jurisdiction of the Student Council and must conform to
Council rules and regulations, which provide:

  • a. Notice of a demonstration must be filed with the Student
    Council office 96 hours in advance.

  • b. Only organizations recognized by the Student Council
    may sponsor demonstrations on the University Grounds.

  • c. Picketing is not permitted inside buildings.

  • d. Outside picketing must not be carried on so as to interfere
    with entrance traffic or the normal flow of pedestrian
    and vehicular traffic.

  • e. Precise boundaries and number of those picketing will
    set by agreement among the Student Council, Department
    of Security, the organizations involved, and those
    in charge of any building specifically involved.

  • f. Lack of substantial compliance with these rules and
    regulations or failure to register will result in a reconsideration
    of recognition by Student Council for noncomplying

It also seems appropriate to emphasize the rules of conduct
for students set forth in University of Virginia catalogues as


Students of the University are expected to conduct themselves
as ladies and gentlemen, both within the University
and elsewhere. For student conduct which is
outside the jurisdiction of the Honor Committee but
which tends to discredit or injure the University, the
President is authorized by the Board of Visitors to impose
such penalty as he may deem appropriate, including
expulsion from the University. This authority has
been delegated by the President to the Student Judiciary
Committee, subject to review by the President or his
delegated representative. When the penalty for bad conduct
is expulsion, the student may appeal the decision
to the Board of Visitors.

Any student found guilty of participating in or inciting a riot
or an unauthorized or disorderly assembly is subject to suspension.

To prevent misunderstanding, I add the following clarification:

1. When an assembly of students not authorized by the
Student Council has been requested to disband by the President
or other officer of the Student Council, or by a Dean, Department
Head or other Administrative Officer, students refusing to
comply will be subject to immediate suspension.

2. In the event that an assembly appears to be a demonstration
related to grievances, those present should be advised that
orderly procedures for the hearing of grievances are available
and must be adhered to. University officials will not negotiate
with such groups under conditions of duress, such as unauthorized
occupation of University property.