University of Virginia Library

A-School Construction
Proceeds On Schedule

By Jay Steer
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Excavation is almost completed,
and the foundations are
beginning to be poured for the
new Architecture-Library complex
being constructed on Carr's
Hill, north of President Shannon's

Work is also proceeding without
serious difficulty on other
projects around the grounds, especially
on Wilson Hall, the
classroom building presently under
construction which adjoins
Cabell Hall.

A University Planning Commission
spokesman indicated yesterday
that work was proceeding
'nicely' on both projects. "They
both should be completed by
their announced completion

Both projects are part of the
University's long range expansion
program which is preparing
for the vastly increased enrollment
contemplated for the next
ten years.

In addition, a new Medical
School building is being planned
for a 1970 completion date.

The $2.5 million structure,
scheduled for completion December
30, 1969, is the first part
of the University's Fine Arts
Complex featuring Music, Art,
Drama, Radio and Television

Four Floors

The Architecture - Library
Building will consist of a four
floor general classroom and office
building connected on two
floors to a three floor, 87,000
square foot library.

The new Architecture building
will house the present Architecture
School located in Fayerweather
Hall. The present Art
Department may then occupy
this building, a Building and
Grounds spokesman said.

Reinforced Concrete

The new structure will feature
an exposed, reinforced concrete
and masonry exterior, with enlarged,
air-conditioned facilities
on the interior.

The building will contain seven
classrooms, numerous drafting
rooms, many seminar rooms, all
faculty offices, work rooms, display
areas, and laboratories.

This functional yet artistic
structure was designed by Rollins,
Wilson, Baluski, and Demay
from Richmond and Cambridge,
Mass. General Contractor for the
building is C. P. Street Construction
Co. of Charlotte, North

Slight Grade

University plans for the rest of
the Fine Arts Center have taken
into consideration the slight
grade involved on Carr's Hill.
The Library, connected on two
floors to the other building has
been designed to accommodate
this grade.

The Library and the adjoining
classroom building together will
form an L-shaped structure, connected
only by corridors on the
upper and lower' floors.

This library will hold all the
books, music and pictures for the
entire Fine Arts Center. It too
will be completed by December
30, 1969.

Construction on these new
buildings will necessitate the
demolition of the Theta Chi
house. Demolition has been
scheduled for June 1, after school
is dismissed.

Other Construction

Work is also progressing quite
rapidly on the extension to
Cabell Hall, named Wilson Hall.
The general outline of the building
is taking shape visually as
any Cabell Hall inhabitant may
testify. Completion date for this
building is scheduled for December
20, 1968, by the second semester
of next year.

The 45,000 square foot structure,
using the same general plan
as New Cabell Hall, will house
one auditorium, several large
classrooms, numerous seminar
and small classrooms, and many
faculty offices.

This four story building was
designed by Johnson and Cramer,
a local firm. It will be connected
to Cabell Hall by a corridor
from its third floor to the third
floor of Cabell Hall, and from
its fourth floor to the colonnade
at Cabell Hall.

This building was named after
James Southall Wilson, past dean
of the Graduate School of Arts
and Sciences and founder and
first editor of the Virginia

Medical School

To round out construction at
the University, the School of
Medicine is planning to build a
seven story Medical education

The nine million dollar project
will house five departments, lecture
rooms, and research laboratories
and will be erected on
Jefferson Park Avenue opposite
the University Hospital. An overpass
will connect it to the Medical

The building is scheduled tentatively
for completion by December,
1969. It will provide for
an increase of 28 first-year medical


Photo by Harrison Bush

Dozers Finish Excavating Land For New Architecture School and Fine Arts Center

Multi-Storied, $2.5 Million Complex Scheduled For Completion In 1970 Will Feature New Offices, Enlarged Facilities