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Students Endorse
McCarthy's Drive
In Local Kick-Off

By Jay Morse
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Nearly a hundred and fifty
students turned out Thursday in
response to efforts of the Charlottesville
McCarthy for President
campaign to form a student
branch at the University.

Sen. McCarthy, a Minnesota
Democrat, announced last week
that he intends to run against
President Johnson in at least
four primaries next year.

One announced goal of the
group will be to have the Senator
speak at the University during
his trip to the state in the

Two University history professors
opened the organizational
meeting by speaking in support
of what has thus far been the
central thesis of the McCarthy
campaign, the futility of American
intervention in Vietnam.

Protect National Interests

William H. Harbaugh, professor
of American history, noted
that nations do not go to war
to protect oppressed peoples and
preserve freedom, but to protect
national interests and preserve
the international balance of

He continued by explaining
that American leaders from
Teddy Roosevelt to John Kennedy
have warned that military
involvement in Asia is not in the
national interest, and that the
present dilemma developed because
men like Messrs. Eisenhower
and Kennedy ignored
their own good advice.

'Detrimental To Interests'

Maurice J. Meisner, an authority
on Chinese affairs, continued
by focusing on the problem
of Vietnam itself, outlining
his reasons for opposing the
war and why it is detrimental to
our national interest in Asia.

Roy A. Schotland, professor
of law, was then introduced as
chairman pro-tem of the McCarthy
for President Committee.

Lang Keith, a 1958 graduate
of the University, was elected
chairman of the student McCarthy
for President Committee.