University of Virginia Library

Expedite Course Changes

Administration To Issue
Spring Enrollment Cards

In order to shorten second
semester enrollment time the University
will furnish pre-enrollment
cards beginning Thursday afternoon.
This is the first time that
this procedure has been used.

Pre-enrollment cards will be
available in the lobby of Old
Cabell Hall from 2 to 4 p.m.
Thursday through Wednesday,
Nov. 15, except Saturday, Nov.
11. Also available will be a card
showing the courses for which
each student is now registered
during this semester.

If the spring enrollment card
is correct the student should initial
it in the upper right hand
corner and return it to the assistant
in the lobby of Old
Cabell Hall.

Consult Advisors

If there are changes to be
made, first-year students should
consult with their resident advisors.
Second-year students
should see their association deans.
Students who have declared a
major should consult with the departmental

Changes in courses can be
made directly on the spring pre-enrollment
card that has been
furnished. However, if there are
a number of changes which will
lead to confusion, a blank spring
enrollment card can be secured.

Return To Registrar

When the card has been corrected, it should be returned directly
to the registrar's office
through messenger mail from the
office of the resident advisor, of
the association dean, or of the departmental

Unless a student completes the
enrollment procedure at this
time, he will run the risk of not
being enrolled in the courses
which he wishes to attend. If
there is any difficulty about the
registration of the courses which
he has chosen, he will be notified
by the registrar in mid-January.

Students now enrolled in
hyphenated courses should see
that they are registered for the
same sections of the courses for
the spring semester.

Pre-enrollment was first used
at the University last spring, when
most students filled out fall and
spring pre-registration forms. At
that time, they scheduled their
courses and times for both semesters
of the 1967-68 session.

Fall registration was expedited
by the new system, which administration
officials termed a total

The spring session cards are
being distributed now so the student
may check his schedule early,
and avoid confusion and save
time during second semester registration.