University of Virginia Library

Paulsen Named
Law School Dean;
To Replace Dillard

Monrad G. Paulsen, internationally-known legal scholar
and professor at the Columbia University Law School,
was named dean of the University School of Law Friday.
He will assume his new duties on July 1, 1968.

The Columbia professor, who is an authority in the
field of law relating to children and in criminal law, will
succeed Hardy Cross Dillard who has served as dean of
the University law school since 1963. Mr. Dillard, 64,
will continue to teach at the University as James Monroe
Professor of Law.

The election of Mr. Paulsen came at a meeting
Friday of the University's Board of Visitors.

Edgar F. Shannon Jr., president
of the University, said,
"Monrad Paulsen is a teacher
and legal scholar of international
reputation and distinction. The
University is fortunate indeed that
he will be joining the faculty as
John B. Minor Professor and
dean of the School of Law. The
University's great School of Law
is certain to make further advances
under his leadership."

Mr. Paulsen, who has lectured
throughout the United States
and abroad, was the Visiting
American Professor at the Institute
for Advanced Legal Studies
at the University of London
in 1966.

Past Fulbright Professor

He was a Fulbright professor
of law at the University of Freiburg,
Germany, in 1964 and lectured
at the law session of the
Salzburg (Austria) Seminar of
American Studies in 1960.

A native of Clinton, Iowa, he
received his A.B. degree in 1940
and his J.D. degree in 1942 from
the University of Chicago. After
practicing law in Chicago with
the firm of Leonard and Leonard,
he served four years in the
Army Air Force.

His teaching experience began
in 1946 when he became lecturer
in law at the University
of Utah. He subsequently taught
at Indiana University from 1948
to 1951 and at the University
of Minnesota before joining the
Columbia faculty as professor
of law in 1956.

Summer Positions

He also has held summer
teaching positions at Minnesota,
Stanford University, the University
of Texas, the University of
Utah and the University of California
at Los Angeles.

Last spring, Mr. Paulsen and
six other Columbia law professors
gave courses at the University
of Mississippi on the
"Law of the Poor in the Affluent
Society." "The courses we gave
down there were experimental
and their success has led to a
change in our own curriculum
at Columbia," Mr. Paulsen said.

At the Mississippi sessions Mr.
Paulsen lectured on juvenile
delinquency and juvenile courts.


Monrad Paulsen

John Minor Professor

The Columbia professor was
the R. B. Price visiting professor
at the University of Missouri last
May. He delivered the Sibley
Lectures at the University of
Georgia Law School in January
and lectured at the University of
Alabama last December. In
April, 1965, he gave the Law
Forum lectures at Ohio State

Co-Authored Books

Mr. Paulsen is the co-author of
the widely adopted book on "The
Criminal Law and Its Processes"
and "Introduction to Law and
the Judicial Process." He has
just co-authored a third book
"Cases and Materials Relating to
Juvenile Courts."

In addition he has written
numerous articles in law journals
on such topics as child abuse
reporting laws, juvenile courts.