University of Virginia Library

Highway Threatens Fraternity Property

Construction Affects
Gordon Avenue Only

By Flora Johnson

Property belonging to several fraternities may be in

The Office of the Planning Engineer of Charlottesville
said that Gordon and Grady Avenues are to be
made part of a highway link-up.

Fraternity houses in question on Gordon Avenue are
Phi Epsilon Pi and Alpha Tau Omega.

On Grady Avenue are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Alpha
Epsilon Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Pi Kappa Phi, and
Delta Sigma Phi.

Only Gordon Avenue, said a city official, will be
affected. The street, he added, is not of a consistent
width, and will probably be expanded to a uniform
40 feet.

He added that the plans have
not been completed and that the
city therefore can make no statements
on the effect that the construction
will have on property
in the area. He emphasized that
the effect would probably be

A fraternity member in one of
the affected houses stated that
their information had been that
the construction was part of a
ten-year program, and that there
was no immediate need for the
fraternities to be concerned.

However, he stated, a resident
of the area recently visited the
fraternity house with the information
that the program was apparently
to be speeded up in that

The resident, who is unidentified,
gave the impression that
the fraternity houses proper were
in immediate danger. He apparently
visited all the concerned
fraternity houses.

In an interview with the Cavalier
Daily, Walter S. Hunt, Jr.,
Coordinator of Architecture at
the University, declined to release
any information.

He stated that the details of
the plan were gathered by him
for private reasons, but that he
and several others would be at a
public hearing to be held tonight
at 7:30 in an attempt "to bring
it all into the open."


Photo by Glidewell

Road May Be Widened On Gordon Avenue Near Alpha Tau Omega House

Construction Proposals Faced A Public Hearing At City Hall Last Night