The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 7, 1973 | ||
Holton, Howard Deny
'Speculative' Reports
Gov. Linwood A. Holton
and Law School Prof. A.E.
Dick Howard are two
candidates being considered as
possible successors to
University President Edgar F.
Shannon Jr., the Richmond
Times-Dispatch reported
Mr. Shannon has asked that
he be relieved of his duties as
president effective August,
1974, and plans to return to
teaching on a full-time basis.
A spokesman for the
governor, Staige Blackford,
dismissed the report as "purely
speculative," and refused to
comment on Mr. Holton's plans
when his term expires in
January, 1974. "The governor
alone can speak about his
plans," he said.
"Bosh" Report
"That report is a lot of
bosh, anyway," said Mr.
Blackford, "because how can
the governor's name be
circulated as a possible
candidate when the committee
to recommend a new president
has not even convened? The
governor is concerned now
with the legislature and the
work to be done in the
remaining months of his term."
The Board of Visitors will
select the new president.
Joseph H. McConnell, Rector
of the University, could not be
reached for comment about
the possibilities for Mr. Holton
and Mr. Howard.
Mr. Howard also declined to
discuss the speculation about
his nomination as president. He
did elaborate, however, on the
qualifications which he feels
the office of the president
Many-Faceted Job
"The next president must
be equally at home in the
world of affairs and education.
In addition to being able to
deal with the academic
community and gain their
respect," he asserted, "the
president must handle
problems directly with the
governor, go before the state
legislature and confidently
represent the University in
matters with various public
"It is a two - fold task
compressed into one job where
a balance must be struck
between administrative skill
and educational experience."
In addition to Mr. Holton
and Mr. Howard, others
reportedly being considered for
the position include former
Sen. William B. Spong. Mr.
Spong, however, preferred not
to discuss the rumor.
The Cavalier daily Wednesday, February 7, 1973 | ||