University of Virginia Library

On Ballot


A group has been formed to
work for the adoption of a
referendum that would
prohibit Student Council from
funding organizations or
publications which engage in
political activities. The
referendum will appear on the
Dec. 13 and 14 election ballot.

"In scope, this referendum
would apply to such
organizations as the National
Student Lobby, the National
Student Association, the
Virginia Weekly, or Young
Americans for Freedom," said
second-year man and Student
Council candidate John
Buckley, co-sponsor of the
Committee to Reform Student

"We do not feel that it is
right that they should be
funded from money that every
student has to pay to Student
Council," he continued.

Thomas Sansonetti, the
Graduate Business School's
Student Council representative
and referendum committee
chairman, indicated that the
Council's Organizations and
Publications Committee is now
prohibited from funding
political organizations, but
that "Council gets around this
by funding these organizations
through other channels."

"Our referendum would
prohibit this," he continued.

"This does not apply," he
added "to groups already
funded by Council."