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Athletic Dept. To Provide Partial Club Support
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Athletic Dept. To Provide
Partial Club Support


After almost a year of
dispute over the responsibility
of funding club sports, Student
Council last night unanimously
approved an agreement
reached with the Athletic
Department to jointly fund
club sports this year and in the

The plan, proposed by
Council president Jim Rinaca
and agreed to by Athletic
Director Eugene F. Corrigan,
calls for Council to provide
two-thirds of the funds for
club sports from the Student
Activities Fund while the
Athletic Department will
provide the other third from its
own sources.


In line with this agreement
the Athletic Department will
supply $6,500 for club sports
this year to supplement the
$13,000 already allocated by

Future fund totals for the
club sports program will be
determined each year
according to the University's
total student population.
Council will allot one dollar
per student to the program and
the Athletic Department will
provide 50 cents per student.

These funds will be
distributed according to need
among the individual club
sports by the Council
Organizations and Publications
(O & P) Committee.

An advisor from the
Athletic Department
"knowledgeable about club
sports" will assist the
committee in the club sports
allocations and hearings.

The O & P Committee last
spring said that it thought the
Athletic Department should
furnish at least a third of the
total funds for club sports at
the University.

The Committee also said
that club sports awarding
varsity letters were more
associated with the Athletic
Department than were other
club sports and should receive
two-thirds of their total funds
from the department.

The O & P Committee then
allotted each sport only a
portion of its "just need" for
this year, calling on the
Athletic Department to supply
the difference.

The Athletic Department,
however, refused to supply the
additional funds for club sports
at that time, and the
organizations were reportedly
faltering from lack of funds.

Top Priority

Mr. Rinaca said that the top
priority for the Athletic
Department's $6,500
supplement this year will
probably be to provide those
funds which the Athletic
Department failed to provide

Mr. Rinaca called the
agreement "the most solid
accomplishment Student
Council has made this year."

"For the first time club
sports can look toward the
coming year with guaranteed
financial backing sufficient to
insure their continued
existence," he said.