University of Virginia Library

Counselors Plan
Safety Seminars


In the wake of increasing
assaults on women in the
University area, dormitory
seminars on Grounds security
for all University women will
begin the week of Dec. 11.

Sponsored by women on the
Upperclass and First-year
Residential Staffs, the sessions
will inform students of
advisable areas of the Grounds
to walk at night, self-defense
methods and "common sense"
caution, according to
third-year woman Terry
Jasperson, who has headed
the seminars and planning. A
film on security may be shown.

Dorms Assigned Date

All women Resident Staff
members will participate in one
of the sessions to be held five
nights in various residence
house lounges. Each dormitory
will be assigned a date to
attend the seminar.

"The seminars will give
women security information
and an opportunity to talk
among themselves and develop
their own ideas on protection,"
Miss Jasperson said.

Time To Get Facts

Women residing off
Grounds, as well as dormitory
residents, are urged to attend
the sessions, she added.

"Considering the growing
number of assaults on women,
it's about time to get the facts
instead of just general advice to
walk in pairs or stay home at
night," Miss Jasperson said.

"Women need a chance to
discuss how to be safe. The
University is no longer a
sanctuary," she added.

Women counselors have
discussed current problems
with the Security Department,
Charlottesville Police
Department, Student Health,
self-defense experts, the
Student Affairs Office, Student
Council members and the
Counseling Center.

The group has researched
unlit areas on the Grounds,
police patrols, and
psychological or physical cues
that women may exhibit which
could endanger them, Miss
Jasperson said. "We hope to
distribute a map which shows
safe areas of the Grounds," she
said, "and to distribute a
reminder bulletin at the
beginning of second semester
recapping what was discussed."