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The Spanish Tragedie

Containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio, and Bel-imperia : with the pittifull death of olde Hieronimo



The following passage replaces two lines from the 1592 edition, from “Oh no my Lord, I dare not, it must not be.” to “I humbly thank your Lordship.”

[OMITTED] Hiero.
Who, you my Lord?
I reserue your fauour for a greater honor,
This is a very toy my Lord, a toy.

All's one Hieronimo, acquaint me with it.

Y'fayth my Lord tis an idle thing I must confesse,
I ha'been too slacke, too tardie, too remisse vnto your honor.

How now Hieronimo?

In troth my Lord it is a thing of nothing,
The murder of a Sonne, or so:
A thing of nothing my Lord.