University of Virginia Library

"Turquoise, if you do not cause trouble,

"'Idishtł'ish, doonaagóńłt'édago, díík'eeńyóo doo'iyáach'é'ádóͅóͅł'iͅiͅłda. Híbíká, 'izee 'ánishłaa. 'Tséghánánségo' ngózhídaał. 'Íyaͅaͅda, dooha'iyáaháńbich'iͅiͅ'áńt'édadaał. Bíká 'izee 'ánishłaa.

"Turquoise, if you do not cause trouble, you will not do anything in vain anywhere. Therefore, I have made you a medicine. They will call you 'a group is moving through rock.' Therefore, you will not be indifferent to anyone. That is why I have made you a medicine.

(5.94) Linguistic Notes

1. 'idishtł'ish, a synonym for datł'ijee 'turquoise'. No analysis.

2. doonaagóńłt'édago 'if you do not cause trouble'. naagóńłt'é, 2nd person of naa--di-...-ł-t'é 'to be evil, bad' [imp. neut. intr.].

3. tséghánáségo 'a group moving through rock'. tsé 'rock'; ghá- 'through'; -...-ł- 'a group moves' [act. intr.]. n- ?.