University of Virginia Library

"Now I have become very tired.

"K'adi dáhiiiyá. nDébik'ehyágo 'áshich'íͅlaa 'Íyaͅaͅda, shíí shits'ísí bizáͅáͅyégo 'ádishndá. Shijaaí, shíchíͅí, shindáaí, shik'áchoshí, shighooí. Shijádí díͅíͅ'ígo, Shitseeí ditł'ooyégo, Naagoshndégo hishtsiłgo, Shikeeí 'iłaadaasijaago, 'áshíͅ shiganidó shílaaí 'iłch'iͅiͅ'áshlágo. Shóͅóͅdé yá'édiͅ. K'adi tsékeeshchíhé ma'ye 'eenádishdá shi'éłchiné shi'ishdzáńń. Dáha'yá hoshááłá, gonshłíͅdeeda, díík'een gózhóͅgo 'ishxoshdaał. Dá'itsiͅná góńt'ishé shidánego 'áshíͅ dátóná hishdláͅgo. Naagoshndédaał."

"Now I have become very tired. He has made me in the form of a man. Therefore, I shall make my body small. [So will change] my ears, my nose, my eyes, my body hair, [and] my teeth: My legs will be four, My tail will be bushy, I shall howl and bark, My feet will be bunched, and I shall close up my arms and my hands. Coyote is no more.[13] Now I will return as coyote the animal [to] my wife [and] my children. Wherever I go, wherever I live, I will sleep well everywhere. Only all varieties of meat will be my food and I will drink only water. I will howl."

(5.63) Linguistic Notes

naagoshndégo hishtsiłgo 'I shall howl and bark'. naagoshn, 1st person imp. of naa-go-...[si- perf.]- n 'to shout around, to go about shouting' [act. intr.]. hishtsił seems also to be a 1st person imp. but I have no further information about it.

Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
Here Coyote is forced to change his own appearance and condition just as he has transformed other plants and animals.