University of Virginia Library

"Now [come] those who have cloven hoofs [and] those whose feet are bunched.

"K'adi bikee'iłch'áͅgołgijee bikee'iłaadaasijaaí. Naakigo ńt'igo ntoͅíyiyáshé. Doołi'hisiida 'íyaͅaͅda díík'eh shijaagheh dóͅóͅka. Shinaatsékeesí, díͅíͅń doobentsé'ikeesdaí, godaleeł.
  • Dziłágóochií,
  • ghooniitseí,
  • ndíígootł'idzí.
  • Bikee'iłkee'iłaadaasijaaí, ma'tsoí.
  • Ké'iłdénágoghe'dees'eesń bizáͅáͅyéí naadaach'izhooshí, chóónéńt'ií.

"Now [come] those who have cloven hoofs [and] those whose feet are bunched. Both these groups are of the carrion-eaters. I shall not miss any of them because you will tell me of all of them. My thoughts, which have not stopped four times by means of him, will be created[12].
  • Mountain pig,
  • peccary,
  • common pig.
  • Those with bunched feet, the wolves.
  • The little ones who run about with their feet turned wrong side out, all the varieties of dog.

(5.62) Linguistic Notes

1. bikee'iłch'áͅgołgijee 'those who have cloven hoofs'. bikee 'their feet'; 'iłch'áͅ 'from one another'; gołgij 'there is a gap'.

bikee'iłaadaasijaaí 'those whose feet are bunched'. 'ił- reciprocal; aa- 'to'; daa- distributive; sijaa 'a mass lies'.

2. shijaagheh dóͅóͅka 'you will tell me'. shijaa 'my ear'; -gheh 'in'; dóͅóͅka ?.

3. doobentsé'ikeesdaí 'which have not stopped by means of him'. doo-...-da negative; bee- 'by means of him' plus ntsé'ikees 'thoughts are to stop' [?]. I cannot analyze this form; cf. linguistic notes to Chiricahua texts, note 39.12, §4.

4. dziłágóochií 'mountain pig'. dził 'mountain'; -á, reduced form of - pp.; góochií, from the Spanish cochi 'pig'.

ghooniitseí 'peccary'. The informant translated this 'the big-toothed one'. ghoo- is probably 'tooth' but niitse- is not identifiable with ni-...-tsaa 'to be big'.

ndíí'gootł'idzí 'common pig'. 'The hard-nosed one' [?]. ndíí'-, cf. - n 'nose, nostril'; gootł'idz-, cf. ni-...-tł'idz 'to be hard'.

ma'choí 'the wolves'. ma'-, cf. mai, ma'ye 'coyote'; -cho 'big'.

ké'iłdénágoghe'dees'eesń 'those with their feet turned inside out'. - 'foot'; 'iłdénágo 'past one another, between one another' [cf. linguistic notes to Chiricahua texts, note 2.13, §6]; ghe'- 'inside'; 'dees'ees, the 3rd person perf. of the verb -'éés 'to move one's feet' with the prefix di- ?.

chóóné 'dogs'; ńt'ií 'all varieties'.

Ethnological Note Ethnological Note
The significance of this passage is not clear.