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Coyote and the Creation, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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"All the varieties of badger:

"All the varieties of badger:

"Naagóshch'idee góńt'ishé:
  • naagóshch'ideeítsoí,
  • naagóshch'ideełigaí,
  • naagóshch'ideebighaa'áłdoͅoͅdí,
  • k'eelííshé,
  • k'eelííshéłkijí,
  • 'igáał'aashé.
Haadí dáhisiií, náágodóͅóͅdleeł."
Shóͅóͅdé ńziͅná'a.

"All the varieties of badger:
  • Big badger,
  • silver badger,
  • coarse-haired badger,
  • skunk,
  • civet cat,
  • [and] all others.
Any that I have missed, you will also be created."
Coyote thought.

(5.58) Linguistic Notes

naagóshch'idee 'badger' [no analysis].

naagóshch'ideebighaa'áłdoͅoͅdí 'coarse-haired badger'. bighaa 'his hair'; 'áłdoͅoͅdí 'it is short' [see note 5.57].

k'eelííshé 'skunk'. Cf. Chir. gólizhé [linguistic note to Chircahua texts, note 15.1, §1].