University of Virginia Library

He thought also about all kinds of snakes.

Góí 'igáał'aashé baatsénááshdeeskéédzná'a.
  • 'idizhóóshé:
  • góbitseeghálegóͅlíní,
  • gónaats'íísteelí,
  • góbichoheí,
  • gónaat'aí,
  • gódijáí,
  • góha'iłtsáásí,
  • góbitélegołtóí,
  • gódatł'ijí,
  • gółitóí.
'Igáał'aashé haadí'édiní, náágodóͅóͅdleeł."
Shóͅóͅdé ńziͅgo yaatsédeeskéédzná'a.

He thought also about all kinds of snakes.
"Now then:
  • bullsnake,
  • rattlesnake,
  • black water-snake,
  • copperhead snake,
  • whip snake,
  • blue racer,
  • the snake that is whipped,
  • the red-bodied snake,
  • the blue snake,
  • the red snake
    Ethnological Note
All kinds that do not [now] exist, you will be created also."
Coyote, thinking, thought so about them.

(5.52) Linguistic Notes

'idizhóóshé 'bullsnake' [no analysis].

góbitseeghálegóͅlíní 'rattlesnake'. 'snake'; bitsee 'his tail'; -yále 'rattles'; góͅlíͅ 'there are'.

gónaats'ísteelí 'black water-snake'. -naats'ís- ?, cf. -ts'ís 'body'; -teeł, cf. ni-...-teel 'to be broad, flat'.

góbichoheí 'copperhead snake'. -bichohe-, cf. bicho 'his penis'.

gónaat'aí 'whip snake'. naat'a 'he flys about' 3rd person cont. imp.; naa- 'about'.

gódijáí 'blue racer'. dijá 'he runs fast' [imp. neut. intr.].

góha'iłtsáásí 'the snake that is whipped'. ha'iłtsáás, an unanalyzable form of the verb -ł-tsis 'to whip'.

góbitélegołtóí 'the red-bodied snake'. bitéle 'the front of his body'; gołtó 'it is red'.