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Coyote and the Creation, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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There were many springs also.

There were many springs also.

Tóída hadaaslíͅ.
Łahde 'aandahyá dańlíͅná'a.
Bighe'yá, chíͅ'nshtłodé, ts'isteełí, łóͅóͅ'ye 'ił'áné'igáał'aaí, daabizáͅáͅyéí dantsaaí łikijí 'ił'ánóo'át'éí 'iłaanaadaa'iłkoͅoͅná'a.
'Ákoo díí góńt'ishé tághe'yá 'iindá gooslíͅná'a.
"Nndé 'igáał'aashé dáha'yá 'áígoińziͅyá 'ánángał'iͅiͅłdaał."

There were many springs also.
Some of these flowed far away.
In them, frogs, turtle, [and] fish of all kinds, little ones [and] big ones of all colors, swam about.
So all these varieties of life in the water came into being.
"People of all sorts will make use of you in any way they see fit."
[The voice] had spoken thus to him[9].

He had heard it.
(5.51) Linguistic Notes

tóída hadaaslíͅ 'there were many springs also'. tóí 'the waters'; -da 'even'. hadaaslíͅ, distributive si- perf. neut. of -líͅ 'to flow' with the prefix ha- 'out, up'.

Ethnological Note 9
Again the voice is addressing the beings just created through the medium of Coyote. See ethnological notes 5 and 8 to this text, above.