University of Virginia Library

From here [Coyote] went on.

'Iͅiͅshíͅ ndásé dahiiyáná'a.
"Nágo'a ndiibikátł'oh'igáał'aashé dá'íłtsé:
  • tł'ohkéstasí
  • tł'ałdeií,
  • tł'ołchídí,
  • tł'ohishchíílí,
  • tł'ołchíshí,
  • tł'ołtł'ijí,
  • ndébitł'ohí,
  • dziłátł'ohkéstasí,
  • tł'ohbindáantsaaí,
  • tł'ohbindáantł'idzí,
  • tł'ohbindáa'áłts'oͅoͅsí,
  • tł'ohbindáa'ászóólí,
  • tł'ohbindáa'iłaadaasijaaí,
  • tł'ohbindáa'iłké'dasijaaí,
  • tł'ohbindáa'iłké'ńt'ií,
  • tł'ohdábilátadébindáadasijaaí,
  • 'áshíͅ tł'ohbits'íládéídeesdzáí.
'Igáał'aashéét'óohóózhiideeda t'óohiists'áͅdadeeda, dábíniiłáͅgo 'iłtago łi'dó 'eenáádaka."
díík'eh silíͅná'a.

From here [Coyote] went on.
"And right now all the varieties of grass on the earth's surface:
  • grama grass,
  • falseflax,
  • big blue-stem grass,
  • buffalo grass,
  • corn grass,
  • wild violet,
  • salt grass,
  • black grama grass,
  • red columbine,
  • wild barley,
  • side oats grama [var.],
  • red top grass,
  • rye grass,
  • candy grass,
  • side oats grama [var.],
  • big blue-stem grass,
  • and blue grass.
Whether or not I've been heard to name all the varieties, let all of the other kinds come with [those I have named] also."

All of them were created.
(5.43) Linguistic Notes

1. ndiibikátł'oh'igáał'aashé 'all the varieties of grass on the earth's surface'. ndii - 'earth'; biká 'its surface'; tł'oh 'grass'.

2. Following are the plant names in this passage that can be analyzed:

tłohkéstasí 'grama grass'. tł'oh 'grass'. késtas- ?; -í relative.

tł'ałdeií 'false flax'. tł'a-, compounded form of tł'oh 'grass'; -łdei ?.

tł'ołchídí 'big blue-stem grass'. -łchíd-, compounded form of the 3rd person of łi-ni-...chí 'to be red' [imp. neut. intr.]. [ch is ambiguously drawn in the print copy, and could be interpretted as ts'; but it is clear from context that the form intended is ch --MEC]

tł'ołtł'idzí [this appears as tł'ołtł'ijí in the text--MEC] 'wild violet'. -łtł'idz may be related to ni-...-tł'idz 'to be hard' or it may have been misheard for -łtł'ij which is possibly related to da-ni-...-tł'ij 'to be blue'.

ndébitł'ohí 'salt grass'. n 'people, indians'; bitł'oh 'their grass'.

dziłátł'ohkéstasí 'black grama grass'. dził 'mountain'; -á from - 'on';
tł'ohkéstasí 'grama grass' [see above].

tł'ohbindáantsaaí 'red columbine'. bindáa 'its eyes'; ntsaa 'they are big' [imp. neut. intr.]. bindáa, literally 'its eyes', is understood to refer to the seeds of the plant.

tł'ohbindáantł'idzí 'wild barley'. ntł'idz 'they are hard'.

tł'ohbindáa'áłts'oͅoͅ sí [the text in the original contains an apparent misprint in which this word appears as tł'ohbindáa'áłch'oͅoͅsí--MEC] 'side oats grama [var.]'. 'áłts'oͅoͅ s 'they are slender'.

tł'ohbindáa'iłaadaasijaaí 'rye grass'. 'ił- reciprocal; aa- 'to' plus daasijaa 'several masses lie' [si- perf. neut. intr. with the distrib.].

tł'ohbindáa'iłké'dasijaaí 'candy grass'. Literally 'the grass on which masses of seeds lie on top of one another'. 'iłké'- 'after one another'; dah- 'on, upon'.

tł'ohbindáa'iłké'ńt'ií 'sideoats grama [var.]' Literally 'the grass on which the seeds are strung out after one another'. ńt'i 'they have been strung out' [3rd person ni- perf.].

tł'ohdábilátabinndáadasijaaí 'big blue-stem grass'. Literally 'the grass the seeds of which lie massed just on its tip'. dábiláta 'just its tip'.

tł'ohbits'íládéídeesdzáí 'blue grass'. bits'íládéí 'its tassels'; deesdzá 'it extends upward, it sticks out' [?].