University of Virginia Library

He stood on the east side of it.

Beeha'ii'áshíné nińyáná'a.
Dágondéhé ha'shíͅhee saaí diists'áͅná'a.
"Díͅíͅn tósikáͅí beeha'ii'áshégo ndáséóͅóͅndááł."
dá'íłtse tósikáͅshíͅ biłchindiná'a.

He stood on the east side of it.
He heard words in a voice from somewhere[3].
It spoke thus to him:
"Go on to the east side of the fourth lake."
it said to him at the first lake.

(5.35) Linguistic Notes

dágondéhé 'a voice'. - 'just' plus a relative in -é of gon, 3rd person imp. of go-...[si- perf.]- n 'to shout' [act. intr.].

Ethnological Note 3
The voice turns out to be that of Child of the Water.