University of Virginia Library

From there he went on farther.

'Áshíͅ ndásá ch'at'iná'a.
Dá'iłtsé nandasitáͅee ch'íńt'iná'a.
'Áshíͅ ndásá náádeesgalná'a.
'Áá'dó łi' nandasitáͅ.
Yich'iͅiͅgo nááhiiłteená'a.
'Áá' náách'íńt'iná'a.
'Áshíͅ ndásé 'it'ah łi' nandahnáánástáͅná'a.
'Áá'dó náách'íńt'iná'a.
Bigháͅshíͅ hanáánádzáná'a.
'Ákaa náádeest'íͅná'a.
Dáłee'é nandasitáͅí ná'godziiná'a.
Yich'iͅiͅgo hiiłteená'a.
Dáhátide ch'at'iná'a.
Łahde 'édeenáánátaná'a.
Łahdedó hołdloshná'a.
'Ákoo, dá'ákoo, yéhiiyáná'a.
Bigháͅdéshíͅ haayáná'a.
From there he went on farther.
He came to the first ridge.
From there he looked ahead.
There was another ridge.
He went toward it also.
He got there too.
Beyond it also was still another ridge.
He also reached that one.
He went to the top of it also.
He looked over yonder again.
Just one more ridge remained.
He went toward it.
He walked fast.
Sometimes he ran.
Sometimes also he trotted.
Then, at last, he got to it.
He climbed to the top of it.
(5.27) Linguistic Notes

1. nandasitáͅ 'a ridge'; a synonym of naanák'áͅ [see note 5.25, §1]. nan- 'on one's side'; dah- 'on, upon'; sitáͅ 'a long slender object lies' [si- perf. neut. intr.]. See also nandahnáánástáͅ 'there was another ridge' later in this text passage. This is the above form with the added prefix nááná- 'again'.

2. łahde 'édeenáánátaná'a 'sometimes he ran'. łahde 'sometimes'. 'édeenáánáta, the 3rd person perf. of 'éd-ee-nááná-...[? perf.]-d- 'to run' [act. intr.]. 'éd- reflexive; ee- 'by means of'; nááná- 'again' [?]. -d- 'to move suddenly, [see note 4.3, §§7 and 13].