University of Virginia Library

From there he went on farther.

'Áshíͅ dándásá ch'at'iná'a.
nDiijiͅ dees'íͅgo ch'at'iná'a.
Dádoo'is'ahdago łi' hach'adzíná'a.
Dá'áshíͅ nińyáná'a.
'Ákooda goͅoͅłtsáͅná'a.
Yee'a 'Izháshee 'át'íͅná'a.
From there he went on farther.
He walked along looking at the ground.
In a little while someone spoke.
[Coyote] raised his head.
He stopped right there.
He looked everywhere.
Someone spoke to him again.
Then he saw him.
It was another Bird.
(5.16) Linguistic Notes

dáhanałndiná'a 'he raised his head'. - 'just' plus the 3rd person perf. of ha-ni-...[hi- perf.]-1-ndi 'to raise one's head' [mediopas.]. ha- 'up'; ni- ?; -1-ndi 'to move one's head'. Cf. note 5.10.