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Coyote and the Creation, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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"Living medicine,

"Living medicine,

  • "'Izeehondááł,
  • 'izeehoojiné,
  • ha'ich'iidé,
  • izeełtsoi,
  • chogoshtł'ínee,
  • 'izeełbáí,
  • 'izeełgaí,
  • 'izee'áłts'oͅoͅsí,
  • tsiͅbiłnádaa'ch'iłt'ohí,
  • sáí'izeeí,
  • dlóͅóͅ'dáͅáͅ'í,
  • tsiͅyanágołchiní,
  • tségháneesáhee,
  • 'izeebédoͅoͅsí,
  • 'izeedatł'ijí,
  • 'izeekéghashłizhihí,
  • łíͅbizeeí,
  • 'izeediłtaͅaͅí,
  • 'iyánébidáͅáͅ'í,
  • tł'ohbichahegóͅlíní,
  • tł'oh'iigaaí,
  • 'izeebit'aͅaͅdałghadzí,
  • tsézhí,
  • tsézhítsoí,
  • ch'índeezee,
  • ch'égołchiͅ,
  • dzé,
  • dzétsoí,
  • tsiͅłtsoií,
  • 'ichoͅoͅshí.
K'adi, nahóózhiií, ndéne 'ił'ánóo'át'éne 'indaa 'ił'ánóo'át'éne ndiigoosdzáń bighe'góͅlíní dáhaadí díík'eh bich'iͅiͅnashóͅle.

  • "Living medicine,
  • sunflower,
  • osha,
  • western skunk cabbage,
  • dock,
  • puccoon,
  • fleabane,
  • cloak fern,
  • sumac,
  • sage,
  • prairie dogs' food,
  • solanium tripolium,
  • primrose,
  • bitterroot,
  • Jacob's ladder,
  • eriogonium,
  • eriogonium jamesii,
  • cinquefoil,
  • Mormon tea,
  • coneflower,
  • spectacle pod,
  • perezia nana,
  • sage,
  • cudwood,
  • wormwood,
  • wildpumpkin,
  • chokecherry,
  • wild plum,
  • algerita,
  • wild rose.
Now all of you that I have named, be good to everyone who lives on the earth, Indians [and] white men.

(5.102) Linguistic Notes

izeehondááł 'living medicine'. hondááł, 3rd person prog. of - 'one person moves' [?].

ha'ich'iidé 'osha' An archaic relative in -é of the 3rd person imp. with indef. obj. of ha-|...[hi- perf.]-ch'ii 'to dig out, up' [act. tr.].

chogoshtł'ínee 'dock' [no analysis].

tsiͅbiłnádaa'ch'iłt'ohí 'sumac'. tsiͅ 'wood'; bił- 'with it'; plus the 3a distrib. imp. with indef. obj. of -...[hi- perf.]-ł-t'oh 'to smoke' [act. tr.]. Literally 'that wood with which they smoke'. Sumac is mixed with tobacco and smoked.

sáí'izeeí 'sage'. sáí 'sand'.

tsiͅyanágołchiní 'solanium tripolium'. tsiͅ 'wood' [?]; yaná- ?; gołchiní, relative of gołchiͅ 'it smells, has an odor' [?].

tségháneesáhee 'primrose' [no analysis but cf. note 5.94, §3].

'izeebédoͅoͅsí 'bitterroot'. -bédoͅoͅsí ?.

'izeekéghashłizhiní 'eriogonium'. kéghash 'root'; łizhiͅ 'it is black'.

łíͅbizeeí 'eriogonium jamesii'. łíͅ 'horse'.

'izeediłtaͅaͅí 'cinquefoil'. diłtaͅaͅ- ?.

'iyánébidáͅáͅ'í 'Mormon tea'. Literally 'cattle food'.

tł'ohbichahegóͅlíní 'coneflower'. tł'oh 'plant'; bichahe 'its hat'; góͅlíͅ 'there is'.

'izeebit'aͅaͅdałghadzí 'perezianana'. bit'aͅaͅ 'its leaves'; dałghadz 'they are jagged'.

tsézhí 'sage' [no analysis].

tsézhítsoí 'cudwood'. -tso 'big'.

ch'índeezee 'wormwood'. No analysis.

ch'égołchiͅ 'wild pumpkin'. ch'é- ?; gołchiͅ 'it smells, has an odor'.

dzétsoí 'wild plum'. dzé 'chokecherry'; -tso 'big'.

tsiͅłtsoií 'algerita'. Literally 'yellow wood '.