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Then, as he started to leave Owl, he said to him:

'Ákoo, Niishjaań goch'áͅnádeesdzágo,
"K'adóo'iͅiͅdáͅáͅ'é. 'Iyáak'adóo nndáͅ?"

Then, as he started to leave Owl, he said to him:
"It is time that we eat. What will you eat now?"

(2.14) Linguistic Notes

k'adóo'iͅiͅdáͅáͅ'é 'it is time that we eat'. k'adóo > k'adé 'now, right now' plus -go subord. 'iͅiͅ-dáͅáͅ', a bound form of 'iͅiͅdáͅ, 1st person dual imp. with indef. obj. of -yáͅ 'to eat' [act. tr.]; -é relative.

Note that the verb 'to eat' suffers alternations of the stem initial similar to those of - 'one person moves'. See nndáͅ 'you will eat' [2nd person imp.] in this passage and k'adéhisháͅáͅ'é 'that which I would eat now' [1st person imp.] in passage 15. It is characteristic of both Chir. and Mesc. that stems beginning with y- combine with the prefixed consonants immediately preceding. This is also true of other Athapaskan languages. See F.-K. Li, Mattole, An Athabaskan Language [Chicago, 1930], §11, pp. 14-16.