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"Well anyhow, sit down on the ground.

"Dá'ághát'éndah, ndiishíͅ ńdaa. K'adi, sáͅń, 'áshíͅ 'aaí tsiͅbikáyí łi' ńkaa."

"Well anyhow, sit down on the ground. Now, wife, bring some of the bark from over there."

(1.6) Linguistic Notes

1. sáͅń 'wife'. Literally, 'old woman.' sáͅ 'old age' plus the relative enclitic -ń. See Linguistic Note to Chiricahua text 21.1, §§1 and 2.

2. tsiͅbikáyí 'bark'. tsiͅ 'tree', bikáyí 'its skin, cover'.