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And then the Blue Bunting man picked it up.

'Ákoo nágo 'Indaa'izhásheedatł'ijí haastiͅiͅń 'áń náinjaa.
Nágo níhidóͅóͅzhiij.
Nágo 'izisí ghehyóͅóͅjaaj.
'Izisí łi' náintsoodz.
Díͅíͅn 'iłch'iͅiͅyiindi.
Bighe'á 'idałchishíͅ, naałtsoosí hayóͅóͅjaa.
Naałtsoosí nát'ohíyił yá'édiͅní Shóͅóͅdéń bidáayá bánch'íń'iͅiͅ.
And then the Blue Bunting man picked it up.
Then he pulverized it.
Then he put it in a bag.
He picked up another bag.
He pressed [the two bags] together four times[2].
Putting his hand in it, he took out some paper[3].
He put down before Coyote paper and tobacco that had not existed before.
(1.10) Linguistic Notes

1. náinjaa 'he picked it up'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person object of -di-|...[ni- perf.]-jáásh 'to pick up a mass' [act. intr.]. See Linguistic Note to Chiricahua text 1.22, §1. Here, where Blue Bunting is taking a mass of bark from the container, the verb of handling changes [before, in the text, the verb referring to the handling of objects in a container was used]. See Linguistic Note to Chiricahua text 2.7, §15.

2. níhidóͅóͅzhiij 'he pulverized it'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person obj. of -di-...[hi- perf.]- zhiish 'to pound, to pulverize' [act. tr.]. The theme occurs only with these prefixes. Note the difference between the Mesc. and Chir. 3rd person hi- perf.; see Grammatical Sketch, §14.

3. ghehyóͅóͅjaaj 'he put a mass in'. 3rd person perf. with 3rd person obj. of gheh-|...[hi- perf.]-jáásh 'to put a mass in' [act. tr.; gheh-| 'in']. The perfective stem of the theme -jáásh 'to handle a mass' varies between -jaa [see §1 above] and -jaaj. In Chir., the perfective stem is regularly -jaa [the Linguistic Note to Chiricahua texts 2.17 §1 and 2.7, §15.

4. náintsoodz 'he picked it up' has probably been misheard for náinłtsoodz, the 3rd person perf. with 3rd person obj. of -di-|...[ni- perf.]-ł-tsóós 'to pick up a fabric-like object' [act. tr.]. Cf. note 1 above. Note that the perfective stem of this theme has the final consonant -j corresponding to Chir. -z [see note 1.1, §3].

5. 'iłch'iͅiͅyiindi 'he pressed them together'. 'ił- reciprocal; -'ch'iͅiͅ 'to, toward'. yiindi, 3rd person imp. with 3rd person obj. of hi-|...[si- perf.] ndi 'to press' [act. tr.].

6. 'idałchishíͅ 'putting his hand in'. 3rd person perf. of 'i-di-...[hi- perf.]-l-'chí 'to move one's hand away' [mediopass.]. 'i- 'away'; di- [to move] one's own' [?]. -shíͅ functions here as a subordinating enclitic.

7. naałtsoosí 'paper'. Literally, 'that fabric-like object which is carried about'. naałtsoos, passive cont. imp. of the theme -ł-tsóós 'to handle a fabric-like object' with the prefix naa- 'about, here and there'.

8. bidáayá 'before him'. - 'before, in front of' plus the pp. ee- 'at' and -.

Ethnological Note 2
Few things occur in Mescalero myth or ceremony which are not connected somehow with the number four.
Ethnological Note 3
Oak leaves are probably meant.