University of Virginia Library

9036. WASHINGTON (George), Second term.—[further continued].

President Washington
said [in conversation with me] that as yet he
was quite undecided whether to retire in March
or not. His inclinations led him strongly to
do it. Nobody disliked more the ceremonies of
his office, and he had not the least taste or gratification
in the execution of its functions. That
he was happy at home alone, and that his presence
there was now peculiarly called for by
the situation of Major Washington, whom he
thought irrecoverable, and should he get well,
he would remove into another part of the country,
which might better agree with him. That
he did not believe his presence necessary; that
there were other characters who would do the
business as well or better. Still, however, if
his aid was thought necessary to save the cause
to which he had devoted his life principally,
he would make the sacrifice of a longer continuance.
That he, therefore, reserved himself
for future decision, as his declaration would be
in time if made a month before the day of
election. He had desired Mr. Lear to find
out from conversation, without appearing to
make the inquiry, whether any other person
would be desired by anybody. He had informed
him, he judged from conversations that
it was the universal desire he should continue,
and he believed that those who expressed a
doubt of his continuance, did it in the language
of apprehension, and not of desire. But this,
says he, is only from the north; it may be very
different in the south. I thought this meant
as an opening to me to say what was the sentiment
in the south, from which quarter I come.
I told him, that as far as I knew, there was but
one voice there, which was for his continuance.—
The Anas. Washington ed. ix, 120. Ford ed., i, 202.
(Oct. 1792)