University of Virginia Library

8929. WAR, Secretaryship of.—

I much
regretted your acceptance of the War Department.
Not that I know a person who I think
would better conduct it. But conduct it ever
so wisely, it will be a sacrifice of yourself.
Were an angel from heaven to undertake that
office, all our miscarriages would be ascribed
to him. Raw troops, no troops, insubordinate
militia, want of arms, want of money, want
of provisions all will be charged to want of
management in you. * * * Not that I
have seen the least disposition to censure you.
On the contrary, your conduct on the attack
of Washington has met the praises of every
one, and your plan for regulars and militia,
their approbation. But no campaign is as yet
opened. No generals have yet an interest in
shifting their own incompetence on you, no
army agents their rogueries.—
To James Monroe. Washington ed. vi, 410. Ford ed., ix, 498.
(M. 1815)