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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;
35 occurrences of george logan
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35 occurrences of george logan
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8750. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Opposition to.—[continued].

You say my “ handwriting
and my letters have great effect at Richmond ”. I am sensible of the kindness with
which this encouragement is held up to me. But
my views of their effect are very different.
When I retired from the administration of public
affairs, I thought I saw some evidence that I
retired with a good degree of public favor, and
that my conduct in office had been considered
by one party at least with approbation and with
acquiescence by the other. But the attempt
[University of Virginia], in which I have
embarked so earnestly to procure an improvement
in the moral condition of my native State,
although, perhaps, in other States in may have
strengthened good dispositions, it has assuredly
weakened them within our own. The attempt
ran foul of so many local interests, of so many
personal views, and so much ignorance, and I
have been considered as so particularly its promoter,
that I see evidently a great change of
sentiment towards myself. I cannot doubt its
having dissatisfied with myself a respectable
minority, if not a majority of the House of
Delegates. I feel it deeply and very discouragingly.
Yet I shall not give way. I have ever
found in my progress through life that, acting
for the public, if we do always what is right,
the approbation denied in the beginning will
surely follow us in the end. It is from posterity
we are to expect remuneration for the sacrifices
we are making for their service, of time, quiet
and good will. And I fear not the appeal. The
multitude of fine young men whom we shall
redeem from ignorance, who will feel that they
own to us the elevation of mind, of character
and station they will be able to attain from the
result of our efforts, will insure their remembering
us with gratitude.—
To Joseph C. Cabell. Washington ed. vii, 394.
(M. 1825)