8691. UNITED STATES, Benign influence.—
The station which we occupy among
the nations of the earth is honorable, but
awful. Trusted with the destinies of this
solitary republic of the world, the only monument
of human rights, and the sole depositary
of the sacred fire of freedom and self-government,
whence it is to be lighted up in
other regions of the earth, if other regions of
the earth shall ever become susceptible of its
benign influence. All mankind ought then,
with us, to rejoice in its prosperous, and
sympathize in its adverse fortunes, as involving
everything dear to man. And to what
sacrifices of interest, or convenience, ought
not these considerations to animate us? To
what compromises of opinion and inclination,
to maintain harmony and union among ourselves,
and to preserve from all danger this
hallowed ark of human hope and happiness.—
R. to A. Citizens of Washington. Washington ed. viii, 157.