University of Virginia Library

8362. TAYLOR (John), Political principles.—[continued].

Colonel Taylor's book
of “Constructions Construed” * * * is
the most logical retraction of our governments
to the original and true principles of the Constitution
creating them, which has appeared
since the adoption of that instrument. I May
not perhaps concur in all its opinions, great and
small, for no two men ever thought alike on so
many points. But on all important questions,
it contains the true political faith, to which
every catholic republican should steadfastly
hold. It should be put into the hands of all
our functionaries, authoritatively, as a standing
instruction and true exposition of our Constitution,
as understood at the time we agreed
to it.—
To Spencer Roane. Washington ed. vii, 213. Ford ed., x, 189.
(M. 1821)