University of Virginia Library

8110. STANDARD (Measures), French.—

Candor obliges me to confess that the element
of measure, adopted by France, is not
what I would have approved. It is liable to the
inexactitude of mensuration as to that part of
the quadrant of the earth which is to be measured,
that is to say as to one-tenth of the quadrant,
and as to the remaining nine-tenths they
are to be calculated on conjectural data, presuming
the figure of the earth which has not yet
been proved. It is liable, too, to the objection
that no nation but your own can come at it;
because yours is the only nation within which
a meridian can be found of such extent crossing
the 45th degree, and terminating at both
ends in a level. We may certainly say, then,
that this measure is uncatholic, and I would
rather have seen you depart from catholicism in
your religion than in your philosophy.—
To the Marquis de Condorcet. Ford ed., v, 378.
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