8068. SPANISH AMERICA, Independence of.—[further continued].
We go with you all
lengths in friendly affections to the independ
ence of South America. But an immediate
acknowledgment of it calls up other considerations.
We view Europe as covering at present
a smothered fire, which may shortly burst forth
and produce general conflagration. From this
it is our duty to keep aloof. A formal acknowledgment
of the independence of her Colonies
would involve us with Spain certainly, and perhaps,
too, with England, if she thinks that a
war would divert her internal troubles. Such
a war would hurt us more than it would help
our brethren of the South; and our right May
be doubted of mortgaging posterity for the expenses
of a war in which they will have a
right to say their interests were not concerned.—
To Destutt Tracy.
Ford ed., x, 174.