University of Virginia Library

7664. RODNEY (Cæsar A.), Appeal to.—

I am told you are the only person who can
unite the greatest portion of the republican
votes [in Delaware], and the only one, perhaps,
who can procure the dismission of your
present representative [in Congress] to that
obscurity of situation where his temper and
principles may be disarmed of all effect. You
are, then, bound to do this good office to the
rest of America. You owe to your State to
make her useful to her friends, instead of being
an embarrassment and a burden. Her long
speeches and wicked workings at this session
have added at least thirty days to its length,
cost us $30,000, and filled the Union with falsehoods
and misrepresentations.—
To Caesar A. Rodney. Ford ed., viii, 148.
(W. 1802)