The Jeffersonian cyclopedia; a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.; |
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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia; | ||
7390. REPUBLICANS, Platform of.—
Divide the Treasury Department. Abolish
the Bank. Repeal the Excise Law and let
States raise the money. Lower impost.
Treasurer to pay and receive cash not bills.
Repeal irredeemable quality and borrow at 4
per cent. Exclude paper holders. Condemn
report of. [421]
Jefferson MSS.
Ford ed., vi, 171.
(Feb.? 1793)
Paul Leicester Ford, in his edition of Jefferson's
Writings, makes the following note: “This paper
is undated, but is apparently an outline of the reforms
in the government desired by Jefferson. In
the absence of a definite platform of the newly
formed democratic party, it is therefore of considerable
importance, and is of especial interest as
showing Jefferson's plans to break up the `Treasury
Junto', by dividing the treasury, and by excluding
from Congress all holders of Bank Stock. The report
referred to is probably `Hamilton's Report on the
Foreign Loans of Jan. 3, 1793', which was an especially
obnoxious one to Jefferson.”—Editor.
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