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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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6864. PRESENTS, Declination of.—[continued].

Mr. Granger has sent
me the very elegant ivory staff of which you
wished my acceptance. The motives of your
wish are honorable to me, and gratifying, as
they evidence the approbation of my public conduct
by a stranger who has not viewed it
through the partialities of personal acquaintance.
Be assured, Sir, that I am as grateful
for the testimony, as if I could have accepted
the token of it which you have so kindly offered.
On coming into public office, I laid it
down as a law of my conduct, while I should
continue in it, to accept no present of any
sensible pecuniary value. A pamphlet, a new
book, or an article of new curiosity, have produced
no hesitation, because below suspicion.
But things of sensible value, however innocently
offered in the first examples, may grow at length
into abuse, for which I wish not to furnish a
precedent. The kindness of the motives which
led to this manifestation of your esteem, sufficiently
assures me that you will approve of my
desire, by a perseverance in the rule, to retain
that consciousness of a disinterested administration
of the public trusts, which is essential to
perfect tranquillity of mind.—
To Samuel Hawkins. Washington ed. v, 393.
(W. Nov. 1808)