6691. POLICY (American), Coalition of American nations.—[continued].
I wish to see this coalilion
begun. I am earnest for an agreement
with the maritime powers of Europe, assigning
them the task of keeping down the
piracies of their seas and the cannibalism of
the African coasts, and to us, the suppression
of the same enormities within our seas; and
for this purpose, I should rejoice to see the
fleets of Brazil and the United States riding
together as brethren of the same family, and
pursuing the same object. And indeed it
would be of happy augury to begin at once
this concert of action here, on the invitation
of either to the other government, while the
way might be preparing for withdrawing our
cruisers from Europe, and preventing naval
collisions there which daily endanger our
To William Short. Washington ed. vii, 169.