6652. PETITIONS, Rejected.—
We [Virginia]
have exhausted every mode of application
which our invention could suggest
as proper and promising. We have decently
remonstrated with Parliament: they have
added new injuries to the old. We have
wearied our King with applications; he has
not deigned to answer us. We have appealed
to the native honour and justice of the
British Nation: their efforts in our favor
have been hitherto ineffectual. What, then,
remains to be done? That we commit our
injuries to the even-handed justice of the
Being who doth no wrong, earnestly beseeching
Him to illuminate the councils, and prosper
the endeavors of those to whom America
hath confided her hopes, that through their
wise direction we may again see reunited
the blessings of liberty, property, and harmony
with Great Britain.—
Address of House of Burgesses to Lord Dunmore.
Ford ed., i, 458.