University of Virginia Library

6219. OPINION, Differences of.—[further continued].

With respect to impressions
from any differences of political opinion,
whether major or minor, * * * I have
none. I left them all behind me on quitting
Washington, where alone the state of things
had, till then, required some attention to
them. Nor was that the lightest part of the
load I was there disburthened of; and could
I permit myself to believe that with the
change of circumstances a corresponding
change had taken place in the minds of those
who differed from me, and that I now stand
in the peace and good will of my fellow-citizens
generally, it would, indeed, be a
sweetening ingredient in the last dregs of my
To John Nicholas. Washington ed. vii, 143. Ford ed., x, 148.
(M. 1819)